Seventy one years ago to day, the Polish Home Army (Armia Krajowa) began liberation of Warsaw, known today as "Warsaw Uprising" (Powstanie Warszawskie), and after so many years it is still discussed and debated and probably each Pole has his unique own opinion of this controversial event... However, regardless of positive or negative opinion, it was unequivocally the worst bloodbath in the 1000 years long history of Poland, and one of the most important events of the last century. It also was the very last battle staged on the territory of Poland by the Polish Forces under the leadership of Polish Government in Exile - the legal continuator of the pre-war Republic of Poland, widely accepted as the the only Polish government by each and every of the Allied countries.
In and due to 2 months of the Uprising about QUARTER MILLION OF POLES have died (actual losses are unknown and probably won't be known ever). It is as if someone have erased from the maps one large city, including all the people, all the streets and all of their estates and belongings!
If you still don't understand the magnitude of losses, please try to comprehend it this way: imagine, that today the Germans have surrounded one of your largest cities and then within 2 months assassinated each and every one of it's inhabitants including women, children and infants while demolishing entire city into pile of rubbles, and then methodically burned this giant cemetery street by street with flamethrowers - just to make sure that they didn't miss anyone and killed absolutely all... Can you comprehend it?

I don't write it lightly and certainly I don't mean to insult anyone, but those of yous who today trust again in any pacts, treaties, NATO, America, or anything else to come with help should Poland ever need it again - you are just fools who haven't learned anything from 1000 years of your own history. And if you feel insulted by my words, that's good. Perhaps it will compel you to look it up on your own and learn from our history what I am telling you: in our entire history NOT ONCE any of our "allies" have ever come with any meaningful help in times of our need, we were ALWAYS on our own. Those are the facts, and if someone prefer to trust more in "pacts", "treaties" or any other worthless piece of paper or well-written speeches of foreign politicians and governments designed to make you feel good, and all that - instead of trusting common sense, logic and facts proving it otherwise throughout millennium - then I think you'll agree with me, that such a person indeed is a fool.
That's why I'd like to emphasize it: no matter what is your opinion on the Uprising, as a Pole you owe the uprising's Insurgents your utmost respect, for they were the very last in our history to at least try to liberate Poland. And you owe them respect for the blood they have shed for our Fatherland, because - perhaps - this "crazy patriotic spurt" of theirs (as some call it today) have greatly contributed to the fact, that the upcoming communist occupiers understood that Poles are not like Ukrainians or Lithuanians (for example), and Poland would never voluntarily become another republic of Soviet Union, nor would she ever become fully communist country on the model of the Soviet Union itself. Maybe that's why all the post-war "socialist transformations" in Poland had never been so deep and so sweeping-up as they were in other countries conquered by Soviet Russia during World War II. Today we already know, that we owe it to Them, the Insurgents of Warsaw Uprising.

And, same as for Greeks is the battle of Thermopylae from several thousand years ago, so for us Warsaw Uprising is also an example of heroic sacrifice for the Fatherland, an act of patriotism which will undoubtedly be talked about, sung about, written about, discussed and argued by next generations of Poles.
If Polish writers and artists will ever decide to take example from their American colleagues and propagate knowledge about Warsaw Uprising in the same way as the Americans do it for i.e. the Battle of Alamo - with films and books "ad nauseam" repeated every generation, in a not necessarily historically accurate but instead in the most attractive for young people form - then the knowledge and memory of the heroes of the Warsaw Uprising could spread even across the world. Of course I do realize it won't happen any time soon, since many of today's Polish-speaking so-called "artists" are pushing into our society all this politically-correct anti-Christian garbage, such as national flag put into pile of shit, genitals hanging on the Christian crosses and the like modern crap pretending to be an art, which is made for brainless morons pretending to be men of culture, in a country pretending to be a democracy while it is still run by the former communist occupants and their children, but - as 1000 years of Polish history have taught us - it won't be like this forever! New generations of Poles are being born and raised every day, and it is them whom I have in mind citing this part of our anthem: "Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła póki MY żyjemy"... (Poland has not perished for as long as WE are still alive)
Glory and Honor to the Heroes of Warsaw Uprising, and hats off to the last living insurgents.

© Digitales Scriptor
[short version edited by 888; original Polish version is here]
Wikipedia - Warsaw Uprising (English)
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